*SHANGHAI 58-2 + SHANGHAI 50/3.5 + FOMAPAN 400

4 15

わかった。こないだの妙にフレアが出ていたこれ、上海58-2だ。途中からLeica I(C)とJupiter-12に持ち替えたのだ。これが上海50/3.5の描写か。夢のよう、というのは言い得て妙な。
*SHANGHAI 58-2 + SHANGHAI 50/3.5 + FOMAPAN 400

8 21

another from a roll I shot near Dinosaur point, shot with B&W

1 6


4 121

desert scene from shot with hand rolled 127 Aerochrome and a Yahsica 44

2 11

Stormy morning along highway 1 on Northern CA coast. Shot with Mamiya 645 and my favorite B&W film SFX

4 17

Clouds shot with Lubitel 166 and Lomo redscale film, looking forward to shooting some of the storms rolling in this week

0 6

Shed Wall - Jefferson NH

Pentax SPII Expired Technical Pan in Xtol

2 7