My second piece for
A spot needed to be quickly filled during formatting, so against all logic & reason & the protest of my fellow mods, I just Did it lol
Read the free pdf:

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Here's my first piece for !
I've always wanted to draw with long nails and lipstick, I got my wish
is a free pdf available here:

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2. Kirakishou. Compared to other Rozen Maidens, her situation is unfair and awfully relatable.

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I had to draw this, ok?! 😂

Shouto Todoroki/Boku no Hero Academia©Kouhei Horikoshi
Dabi/Boku no Hero Academia©Kouhei Horikoshi

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This Halloween cutie is available as a sticker and holographic print!

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I saw something about ace week. So here a couple drawings I did awhile ago of ace todo and a Demi Zuzu.

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Some ace Todoroki Shouto icons for ace week!

feel free to use with credit

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