Une nouvelle technique nommée AFMIR permet de visualiser avec précision des nanoparticules dans des cellules du système immunitaire https://t.co/vQD752MKSn ... un pas en avant vers l'administration sélective de médicaments.

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Are they just… things? Flesh cruelly animated by wild nanos. Just an all-consuming hunger and a bone-deep thirst. Or is there an intelligence behind them? A purpose, something more

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Philosophyz 44.1kHz/16bit by 水谷瑠奈 (NanosizeMir) on

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Congratulation to Séverine Gomès awarded on December 5th https://t.co/IRbYbQYIFt … by an Étoile de l’Europe for her coordination of Quantiheat project dedicated to heat transfer at the nanoscale.

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Commissioned by Nanosheep.

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Kakashi: You and Sakura can eat but NARUTO can't and if you feed him you fail and we'll ban you from ever becoming a shinobi!!!

Sasuke the nanosecond after Kakashi leaves:

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Day 5 - Nanosaurus agilis is an ornithischian dinosaur from the Morrison formation of the western United States. Here, a young male pushes his luck with an older female, who quickly rejects his advances with a swift, powerful kick

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zone de confort.jpg produit en environ 4 nanosecondes ;)

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Vimianzo, 1936. Durante a República, os franquistas dan un golpe de estado que acabará nunha ditadura de 40 anos. En Vimianzo, as súas forzas perseguen aos republicanos e asasínanos (coma ó secretario municipal e ó irmán do alcalde) ou torturan e humillan á súa familia e amigxs.

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NanoSeconds and MillySeconds are our channel mascots, and I'd like to thank for bringing them to life so wonderfully for our community. Our current wave of BTTV emotes includes Fail and Virtue emotes in tribute to !

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New Nintendo DS Endings https://t.co/4eLy6rEUVG

Miles Edgeworth 2 (Gyakuten Kenji 2)
Metroid Prime: Pinball
Nanostray 2

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We have another foe that wants to make their appearance, the Nanoswarm! These enemies may be small, but they're still going to create some buzz in your Expedition: The Future encounters. What do you think of this new enemy, adventurers? 🚀

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1. Esta es mi querida OC Nelly. Probablemente será la que más utilice en el reto porque la adoro y verla así me hace mucha ilusión. Para Blancanieves la he hecho como una enanita hermosa, probablemente más para ayudar al resto de enanos que por necesidad propia o algo.

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Encroaching nanosuit with complex shut-off functions...

Commission for Rukral on FA

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En existió el ciervo enano Candiacervus rophalophorus (fotos), que medía entre 40 y 65 cm de altura a los hombros. En y sería Megaloceros cazioti el representante de los ciervos enanos, algo mayor con su metro de altura.

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Una frase perfetta per i social networks, scritta da Georges Bernanos:

" Ripeto una volta di più che un polemista è divertente fino a vent’anni, tollerabile fino a trent’anni, noioso verso i cinquant’anni, e osceno oltre. "

Siete d'accordo ? O abbiamo bisogno delle polemiche?

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