Thanks to the customer in the Netherlands today who ordered a gorgeous metal print of the Molea Monument illustration, I hope you enjoy it!

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A fan in Australia just ordered my MegaBOOM Illustration printed on metal from the store <3 Thank you for your order and I hope you love the print

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10年前にはなかった戦略的巡洋艦tengu。こいつに乗りたいのだが、1か月以上かかるし、金足りんだろね。当面drake(crimson king)だな。操作さっぱりわからんからPvEミッションでリハビリしないとね。プレイヤーに撃墜されないようにきをつけんとなあ。#EVEonline

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Original: Clare_EVEonline

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Original: Clare_EVEonline

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Patrolling the neighborhood for malcontents and tom-foolery. Maybe some horse-play, you never know

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Ok I managed to grab a screenshot of the triple smoke balls that escape the Wolf after you land from warp The one between the two nacells seems to last the longest

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Eve Vegas is coming! Check out the new badge design I created for the event

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The outline view and preview view of my recent Thrasher Fleet Issue vector illustration side by side

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Sometimes I ask myself why I love and why I've been playing it and the following news since 2010. After that, I just login into the and understand why. I'm eady to watch on ships for hours and enjoy the deep space. Love this game!💙

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