... Why not be both Joey Wheeler AND a Precure?

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1882an Schuyler S. Wheeler estatubatuarrak asmatu zuen, bejondeikela...

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“When I take off my bandages, I want the first thing I see to be my big brother playing a card game.”

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"Pretty in Pink" by Kathie Wheeler OPA won the 2018 Eastern Regional Figurative Award of Excellence. Submit up to three paintings for this year's Eastern Regional by midnight on Friday, August 2. Open to OPA Members. If you are not a member, there's still time to apply

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Anybody watch season 3? 🙋‍♀️ Nancy Wheeler is a Total ICON. She's so badass I had to draw fan art! 💕 Think I might draw some more of the cast.

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Another sketch with At the moment, vector drawing feels really good. And ’s halftone brushes feel as natural as ever in here. Pressure sensitivity is just right.

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Why do all these men have the Joey wheeler chin

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Hey Nickelodeon, my name is Josias Robinson they actually called me Sy, I'm brought my OC's to Sam, Mr. Santos and DJ Johnny for go to school at Fairchild Wheeler for Bridgeport Connecticut, got it?

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