Sailor Mercury and Jupiter. (Honestly, they share the spot of second ultimate favs)

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let's hear it for the girl i might do more drawings like this of the other gals

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My Sailor Scouts💫 Sailor Jupiter's always been my fav! Besides being a tomboy and lightning lover myself, her perpetual strength and confidence has always been admirable♡ Whose your fav Sailor and why!?

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The Warm up Drawing from the other days poll. I turned it into a full fledged piece. I know would appreciate this.

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"I'll fill you with so much regret, it'll leave you numb!"

I love Jupiter, and I love this. Like actually love this art. It's a rare feeling and I hope it lasts.

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Last of the Sailor Moon fanarts! Whichever image gets the most likes gets more than a headshot! (Just like what I did with the Bleach fanarts)

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month for the month of May, already started working on them, getting lines and base colors down. Two more ladies to go... <-- click to support my art

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