I've been comparing the first time I ever drew Mockingbird to one of my more recent ones and woo it feels good to improve

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الحزن قوة جاذبة تشد لأسفل، تسحب الرأس والكتفين إلى تحت، كأن الجسم في حزنه يُمسي واهنًا خفيفًا فتستقوى الجاذبية عليه وتستشرس.

- رضوى عاشور، فرج
Artwork by: Richie Pope

:Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram

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WIP ,(I'm planning to draw her smocking )

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This meme was not made by incels. This very meme is mocking incels as weak and pathetic. This meme was made to poke fun at weaker things/people in general. It works with anything.

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dont like the result but this wip has been mocking me for months so im done w it

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I was planning to buy an Append Len but the shop that has it sold it off to someone already asdfkjgsafkjh--

its such a shame so i just drew append len to ease the pain-- ;;v;;

look at him mocking me aa

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Ideation designs of Jennifer Lawrence for the international blockbuster, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Check out ’s website for the whole range of designs he did for the movie! https://t.co/Nfi134212z

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Day 30: Silence
Hush little, Orion, don't say a word.
Or Ursuala will kill Lucy Mockingbird.

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تعلُق الفاني بِالفاني يُفنيه .. وتعلُق الفاني بِالباقي يُبقيه.

- شمس التبريزي
Artwork by: Sophie Lécuyer

:Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram

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يختبئ في حضني ولا يدري أنني أنا التي اختبئ في حضنه الصغير المتسع من خذلان الدنيا وبرودة القلوب.

- لقائلها
Artwork by: Ale Favoretti

:Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram

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هناك وجُوهٌ تنطفئ داخل الذّاكرة بسرعة، وهناك وجوهٌ لا ننساها أبـدًا.

- واسيني الأعرج، مقتطف
Artwork by: Mohamed Badawy

:Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram

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و أتيتكَ في أكثر لَحظاتي ضعفًا، كان عناقٌ مِنكَ كَفيلاً أن يُنهي الأمر.

- باسم سلامة Basem Salama، مقتطف

:Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram

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ولأننا محملون بقدر كبير من الغباء، لانرتاح إلا إذا كسرنا أجمل الأشياء فينا.

- واسيني الأعرج، طوق الياسمين
Artwork by: Dadu Shin

:Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram

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Parrot is mocking me every time I sneeze or blow my nose it sneezes in a high pitches voice

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I swear I will defeat you this weekend, Corrupted Monk. I will end that mocking giggle.

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