Thoma y Ayato toman el mismo colectivo todos los días, pero jamás se vieron... Hasta que Ayato lo vio sonreír. Y desde ese día, algo cambió dentro suyo.

225 963

I feel like Ayato is the type that will pull an all-nighter without realizing it and then when his sanity reached zero, he would do some crazy shts 😂.

1060 7790

just renga wearing thomato's clothes 👀

25 209

when your ships has the best names; chili and thomato~

2 26

t: -talktalktalktalk-
a: -peeling off t clothes slowly-

596 4323

Аято бытовой инвалид, не пускайте его на кухню-

36 883

AYATO SAMAAAA 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。

waka has duality (probably)
,,,i shud make,,, ayathoma/thomato art smtimes;;;

18 87


217 1346