画質 高画質


2113 9935

Person who said they want a date with Ayato under sakura trees is winning today ♥ Also my first Ayato fanart??

11 231

Wrinkled eyes?!!ok hoyo I'll accept this as an apology for ignoring him for so long

58 412


465 3053


525 2686

아야토 생카가 취소되어, 협력했던 일러 프린팅 박스로 공유합니다~! 아야토랑 밀크티를 짠 해보세요<<
프박 코드 : 5 69 5875

203 776

I’ve had this in my procreate since like early September💀
I have this stupid ass rule that if a parent has a natural streak or fade, the color can be mixed with the other parent- can you tell I used to watch MLP 🧍

8 51