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I've been a fire emblem fan for years, and this series has inspired my art a lot #エアFEexpo
Seriously I think fe3h is great. I need to draw more of the other games I’ve played though! #エアFEexpo
#エアFEExpo Empecé con Fire Emblem Awakening y se ha convertido en una saga muy importante para mi, su historia y sus personajes me han ayudado muchísimo en momentos difíciles y me han aportado muchísima felicidad. Mención especial a Frederick, siempre permanecerá en mi corazón.
Fire Emblem is one of those videogames that took me by surprise, good stories, amazings characters, awesome OST and Art.
So many good memories ☺💕
I'm not 100% sure if I'm doing this right, but it looks like a #FireEmblem celebration with #エアFEexpo and I want in.
Fire Emblem has been one of my favorite series for almost 15 years now. My first game was PoR and I've been inspired by its characters and stories ever since!
Been into FE for more than a decade already , and i hope to continue for more years to come.
also want to keep drawing more and more (specially Nyx)
haven't done a whole lot of fire emblem art lately but i thought these were worth sharing again... #エアFEexpo
#エアFEexpo I got Fates almost 5 years ago for my birthday and I absolutely loved it. I recently got 3H and I love that game even more. I love all these characters and I could draw them all for years to come
The first FE I bought was Blazing Sword. I remember I was drawn in by the cover, but I quickly fell in love with everything the saga has to offer: the variety of cast, the gameplay, the themes and, last but not least, the community around it. ❤️ #エアFEexpo
I wanna join the party too....I'm really glad I picked up Awakening 6 years ago because it's thanks to Fire Emblem that I've met some of my best friends today. Thank you for everything, FE!! #エアFEexpo
Me and my hundred different art styles really love Fire Emblem❤️
Fire Emblem is a Series I never knew I would be so invested in and I hope to enjoy more games and art work in the future!
Here are some of my recent works!
Like a lot of people Fe:A was my first game and I got it on a whim. One of the best game decisions I’ve made. Fates (Birthright) upsets me in a way no other game does or has ever done. Three Houses is the first I’ve contributed stuff as it went.