was definitely one of these three but its been so long since i've been sure who came FIRST

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and ...hmm there seems to be a pattern..........

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é mt recente mas antes disso o que que eu jogava? AQW

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1stcartooncrush 1stvideogamecrush

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was obviously Squall from FFVIII. My first emo prince❤️

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im guessing 6 year old me really liked blue & big white gloves..??

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Honorable mention for would be Jessica Alkirk from Lunar: Silver Star Story. Those bromides. 👀

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I covered Setzer from Final Fantasy 6 and Giovanni from Pokemon already on a previous meme, so here are my other firsts. The Doctor from Harvest Moon is the first major one I remember.

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don’t worry about it, I was a weird kid

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