Who has seen If so, what grade out of 10 do you give it

4 24

49 years ago today! Illustration from Moonshot: The Flight of Apollo 11. Happy to all!

9 47

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” - Neil Armstrong
🎨 by .

0 9

in 1969, landed on the moon! Read this account by Buzz Aldrin from CLICK Magazine! https://t.co/IphdXWnBot

1 0

lol The world you know is a lie! The world we know is a corporation! WTFU! ✌

7 6

Today is the anniversary of and we're reading all about space. Check out our FREE solar eclipse ebook here https://t.co/EZJvTru9Fh

0 2

Amazing to think that 48 years ago today, two humans first set foot on the What an incredible achievement!

1 6

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Buzz Aldrin recalls flying through the Moon's umbra during Apollo 11

3 9

Celebrating & 🚀 48 years ago this week. "Always reaching for the stars" is my

17 28

20 ก.ค. "มูนเดย์"
วันนี้เป็นวันครบรอบ 47 ปี ยานอพอลโล 11 นำมนุษย์เหยียบดวงจันทร์เป็นครั้งแรก ;)

34 4

Katherine Johnson: Her computations was the bedrock of major NASA breakthroughs plus Apollo11 trajectory to the Moon

73 59

Fact: the entire EVA exploration area was about the size of a baseball infield http://t.co/5uwnNAMJdp

37 55