BLEACH creator Tite Kubo revealed the stage of the TYBW anime that he is currently working on is related to Ukitake and Mimihagi.

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Bleach Couple | x Havin (my oc)

I hope you like them tbh

15 51

День 19 «софт»

Нагадую що комменти — моя їжа🌚🌝

9 34

Aizen & Shunsui are characters where I enjoy all of their dialogue & feel all they say/do has value. Not sure if this is addressed later but I really wanted to see them acknowledge how Shunsui was likely used as the final nail in the Kisuke framing plot..

7 72

If only he knew just how complicated.. 😅

4 44

I remember cosplaying her A LONG time ago. Maybe again someday.

3 17

Окей, почнемо з початку, я люБЛЮ БЛОНДИНОК І ЗАЧУХАНІ ВІПКИ ОК ТАК

18 117

Дошкребла ще прокляту замальовку з паном полуницею і на цій прекрасній ноті пора йти спати бо я вже не молода

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