More sharkies heading this way! 🦈I guess costumes are fitting considering that carneval's only a few days away. I'm going to flee the city for the weekend but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the colorful side of this crazy big party. 🙃

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Minuetto by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo found via Carnevale

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Animals in the park: Carnevale, a collaborative art-science project that explores animal welfare questions and the enthusiasm of pigs for investigative play. ........

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Art by Massimo Carnevale

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Massimo Carnevale.

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Qui, dove sono... by Rocco Carnevale

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Per celebrare l'ultima giornata del Carnevale, una carrellata di Maschere Atellane, le antesignane di molte maschere moderne

11 21

Dimentica tutto il male, non si deve soffrire né piangere, fai in modo che la tua vita sia un piena di allegria, colori e sorrisi

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Che altro è la vita se non una specie di commedia nella quale gli attori si travestono con vari costumi?

Erasmo da Rotterdam

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Is a transgender person destined to an unhappy life? That's not the truth and that's not the view of Meredith Russo, author of "If i was your girl" - for Futura by della Sera (Sara Gironi Carnevale)

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Movie Illustrations - Massimo Carnevale (18 фото) -

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