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🎊🎊Wip: Small adjustments🎊🎊

➡️➡️Rusty_Pixel ( )


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Struck By You
Something simple for today, just playing around with subsurface scattering in using as always. A little bit of cleanup in photoshop and I used an OptiX Denoiser as well.

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Summer Shade
Just having some fun in using engine and playing around with some I used an OptiX Denoiser to help clean up some refraction samples. Materials and Gobo used in this scene are from

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so I made this sign in PS, then bring into Cinema4d and render it using Arnold with heavy bloom(lens effects) turned on for the glow. The black in the texture is used as my opacity mask.

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🎊🎊Wip: Hair and Clothes🎊🎊

➡️➡️Rusty_Pixel ( )


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Emerald Seraph.
ZBrush, Cinema4D & Photoshop.

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