Did you know? Berdhardt is a hermit who lives in the Elderm Mountains (#Ys: The Oath in He was Dogi's friend and mentor, teaching him ways of the blade and martial arts. Without him, we wouldn't have our Wall Crusher.

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먀먀ャさん(https://t.co/D7ap1AQ4IX)がしてくださった、 令和もがみ( )さんのキャラクターの國後鹿住です。 お疲れ様でした!

9 19

소라게님()이 해주신 합기도 미소녀 앨리스 티베리아입니다. 고생하셨습니다.

15 44

Dogi the Wallcrusher in pencil and watercolor. I didn't have anything for his skin color so I improvised. I think it worked out in a Bob Ross "happy accident" sort of way.

0 0

하주님()이 해주신 합기도 미소녀 앨리스 티베리아입니다. 고생하셨습니다.

3 7

Characters I like with "D" names! Respond to this tweet if you want a letter. :-) Given to me by

Dogi (Ys)
Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Dana (Ys VIII)
Daryl/Darill (Final Fantasy VI)

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Ys: The Oath in Felghana released in English for the first time on this date ten years ago in 2010 for the PlayStation Portable. An enhanced remake of Ys III, Adol finds evil lurking near Dogi's hometown in Felghana.

90 301

Quick sketch about a dogi for Dojo Anemone.
This dojo will interact with Velda the dragon woman.
White gi is beginner and Black gi is high ranked, chains are like Dan rank.
Theses characters are just a sketch not new OC.
More content and infos about this soon ! 😊😊

11 35

a dogi for your non-drawing purposes

1 10

Hi, I'm Dogi and I draw stuff... I have 1 traditional artstyle and no digital art style coz I'm still exploring. Oh and I draw comic.

4 11

Halo, namaku dogi dri jogja. Aku suka... mob psycho. Aku juga doyan ngomik. Seringnya nge doodle gajelas jadinya karya polishednya gak gitu banyak. Salken semua, dan mari mutualan.

2 3

En la vida real // en personaje de videojuegos

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nama: dogi
kepingin: jago gambar bg dan benerin anatomi

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And for a Dragonball Online Project I'm helping.


We are the only private Dragonball Online Server who is able to add new content like new 3D Models to the engine.

New Hairstyles, New Armors / Dogi, Weapons, Wings, Tails and many more stuff.

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