Yeah bois we're getting there.
I may or may not have an addiction to drawing Drukharii 💦

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So our almost-all-Drukhari Kill Team campaign is coming soon. I have to get my act together making Low Commorragh scenery!

Anyone have a suggestion for a neoprene game mat that would work? Preferably grey-green or blue-green and alien-looking.

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Wew lad, been a very long while since I picked up colouring pencils so let's dust them bitches off.

Having a fair bit of fun scribbling my stupid sexy Drukhari chara tbh.

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I blame for this. "The Littlest Drukhari"

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Drukhari Wrack WIP, finally finished the Low Rez, currently Rigging / Texturing

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The Drukhari deserve love, but they ruin nice things. Who told them about body pillows? Please stop telling them about nice things.

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I'm having one of those days where I can't seem to draw a damn thing I wanted to. So I just drew some more drukhari because I really like their models. Tonight it's a Lelith doodle so I at least got something going. One day I'll know a little more discipline.

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Drawin' Drukhari ladies for practice tonight...didn't get super far, but got me thinking about them a lot lately.

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Every day is Warhammer 40k day in the Biblioteca dos Jogos. Today's article will be a discussion of the ruin of the Aeldari, and the fact that the Drukhari keep repeating the mistakes of the past:

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Todo dia é dia de Warhammer 40K na Biblioteca dos Jogos. O artigo de hoje será uma discussão sobre a ruína dos Aeldari, e a insistência dos Drukhari em repetirem os erros do passado:

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Evisceris. My new Drukharii waifu.

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Seven years ago, I started collecting the new Dark Eldar army. *ahem I mean a Drukhari army*. That I added onto my old one that I started while working for GW as a Red Shirt.
My regular opponent was using Grey Knights. We had many good close games.

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