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I made a minecraft skin for Nanashi Mumei's EMO outfits!

Please download the skin data from this URL.(For slim models only)
※"Nanashi Mumei_03" is this skin.

113 649

Artist • Emo
Skeb • 8,000¥ (55 USD)

Link below🔻

13 61


564 6480

emo cafeさんとのコラボカフェ大阪店、本日最終日でした!!

227 2939

the only way to hide all this pain is blasting emo music
wasn't able to draw all day 🥲

0 13

Cyborg emo guy finna take revenge

362 2676

“When I get a team, it’ll have an emo with a sword, a scary lady with a gun… Oh- and a supercool mecha. Maybe we might even have a cat!”

841 4904

Ngl I'd tease him as an emo in highschool but highkey crushing on him and hoping that he won't notice my crush by pulling all the stunts to him

2 66

How I render Mumei emo owlfit 🎨
(light source is top-down)

2716 30127

Did this awhile ago so no emo moom 😢

0 21

Emo Owl🖤❤️🖤❤️

5974 44646