Percent of the Pandemic Spent in an Active Epidemic by zone.

Elimination strategy is a success.
Mitigation strategy (conditionally tolerating transmission) is a failure.
No, no excuses.
Being >>75% (up to >90%!!) of time in an Active Epidemic for 18+ months is an utter failure.

29 77

H1N1 'Swine Flu' a which mutate with COVID-19 has infected 5000 pigs. Humanity has decided to lock up these pigs in the blockchain in a unique way to prevent a new epidemic. The pigs which are bored in here be friend with and have developed a new style.

1 9

The world is growing! Introducing; The Lizard Gang 🦎

Underworld overlords, they run the tunnels drilled through the ruins of Old Europa, fuelling the Shroom epidemic across the NEO-Budapest Triangle

More lore & drop info in our Discord!

6 42

Amid the ongoing Covid epidemic, the horrors continuing in Myanmar have seen to have slipped out of sight.

5 30

Getting vaccinated is very important in Solderland. At least against the zombie epidemic 😅

7 15

„Knapp 34.000 Corona-Fälle:
Höchststand bei Neuinfektionen gemeldet“

6 38

It’s time to end this stress and burnout epidemic once and for all…
Here’s to changing the world through creativity!

4 7

🐈‍⬛ 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕚𝕡𝕦𝕝𝕖, 𝔸𝕟𝕟 ⛪

"When the epidemic disease stroke, destiny remained cruel despite Ann's devotion and generosity."

3 2

30 d'octubre 1821 d'una epidemia de febre groga afecta Barcelona. S'aplica la quarentena i cordó sanitari. A la talaia de de Palomar hi ha enfrontaments violents en perseguir el regiment de cavalleria de Pavia qui desafiava el cordó sanitari.

2 2

„Ampel-Parteien legen Pandemie-Fahrplan vor:
Maskenpflicht endet spätestens im März 2022“

0 11

We're living in the midst of a burnout epidemic, a silent killer, which has directly affected more people than Covid ever could. Sagaland is changing the paradigm, telling the Norse Creation story in VR, promoting a moment of presence in our nonstop lives.

3 10

Let’s begin putting an end to the stress and burnout epidemic together. Each piece from the collection building an experience dedicated to giving a moment of presence in our bustling non stop lifestyles!

11 28

“人貝” - “🐚-person” - a blinding 5-colored light appeared on fukushimagata lagoon in Niigata, it said: "For 5 years there will be a great harvest: but an epidemic will spread & 60% of people will die. If you draw & share my image, you will be spared!”🧜‍♀️:

15 41

Migraine: epidemiology and systems of care
Lancet 2021; 397: 1485–95

0 1

Dia 11 - Alma

Arte de hoje é epecial para um querido que perdeu hoje um amigo da minha idade, já vacinado, para a variante Alfa da covid.
Por favor... se cuidem. A epidemia não acabou.

0 6

Hi, I’m Niab. I am a doctor (epidemiologist).

At the end of the day, all we need is just a little peaceful moment in our minds. I want to capture those beautiful moments and spread them through my art.

Nice to meet you all ♥️

33 70