No Sphinx it’s cold out there!!!

We’re already just over £100 left to being funded!! Wow!!!

Kickstarter live! Grab a copy of My Cat the Oracle here;

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Check out my Kickstarter for my new short anthology of Sphinx comics, ‘My Cat the Oracle’, for lots of goofy big cat foolishness!

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The Sphinx watches a foe from the window...what silly stuff does your cat get up to??

Check out the Kickstarter here!

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My new Kickstarter ‘My Cat the Oracle’ Is live! Check it out below!

My Cat the Oracle! is a 44 page slice of life comedic anthology surrounding the wise Sphinx, and the temple priests she lives with!

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The noble Sphinx challenges many heroes with her riddles, but what do you think the answer could be?

Check out ‘My Cat the Oracle’, Kickstarter at the link below!

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What if, you and I, practiced forbidden magics in the library?
Just kidding...

Root & Branch UPDATE -

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A long time ago, those of the Temple on the Hill brought someone new into their life and ever since she’s been a bundle of foolishness.

Follow the prelaunch Page and be notified when we go live in 2 days!

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2 days until the 25th and my book release day! So close to everyone getting to read about why No One Returns from the Enchanted Forest!

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Only 3 days till my book's release day! On May 25th No One Returns from the Enchanted Forest will be out in the world!

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Only 4 days until the ‘My Cat the Oracle’ Kickstarter goes live, follow to be notified when it goes up!!

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4 Days until No One Returns from the Enchanted Forest is released! I loved designing these bird-like entranceways to the Goblin City...

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5 days until No One Returns from the Enchanted Forest releases! So excited to share this book with the world! Meet some of the nymphs that call the Forest home...

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The Three stages of asking the reference librarian for help...

Root & Branch UPDATE with the most boring storytime event that Ariana has *ever* attended!

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