# arthurgodfrey television radio broadcaster broadcasting entertainer freemasons freemasonry masonic history travissimpkins celebrity art portrait sketch josiahdrummond grandlodgeofmaine mainefreemasons mainefreemasonry scottishrite 33rddegree supremecouncil grandmaster mozart wolfgangamadeusmozart magicflute music paulfostercase buildersoftheadytum bota tarot occult occultism occultart qabalah newage magick ceremonialmagick goldendawn alphaetomega esoteric mystic quincygant princehall princehallmason mwphgldc harryhoudini houdini magic occultist escape escapeartist stage theatre spiritualism stanleymaxwell grandlodgeofmassachusetts massachusettsfreemasons massachusettsfreemasonry williamrobertwoodman sria magus rosicrucians hermeticorderofthegoldendawn rudyardkipling author literature poetry if junglebook manwhowouldbeking joemartinez themasonicroundtable esotericon grandlodgeofvirginia フリーメイソン douglasmacarthur worldwarii worldwar2 wwii ww2 americanhistory greatestgeneration military pacifictheater general armedforces irvingberlin composer songwriter musician soundtrack godblessamerica greatamericansongbook grandlodgeofnewyork newyorkfreemasons sampsonsimson scottishritenmj mastermason roberthjohnson whencecameyou wcy wcypodcast tmr midnightfreemasons masonicroundtable masoniccon voltaire philosophy philosopher enightenment books satire frenchenlightenment christopherhodapp chrishodapp freemasonsfordummies blog documentary masonicbooks josephfortnewton thebuilders clergy minister macgregormathers fellowcraft

December 14, 1784: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was initiated an Entered Apprentice in the Lodge Zur Wohltätigkeit (Beneficence) in Vienna, Austria.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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M.W. Quincy G. Gant
Past Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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December 11, 1974: Stanley Fielding Maxwell was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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December 6, 1886: Rudyard Kipling was raised a Master Mason in Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782, E.C. in Lahore, Pakistan.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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Congratulations to Joe Martinez on being installed as Worshipful Master of Manasseh Lodge No. 182 in Virgina.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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December 2, 1931: Stanley F. Maxwell was raised a Master Mason in Good Samaritan Lodge in Reading, Massachusetts.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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November 24, 1807: Sampson Simson was raised a Master Mason in Clinton Lodge No. 143 in New York.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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Happy Birthday to Robert Johnson! Host of the WCY podcast and co-host of the Masonic Roundtable.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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November 15, 1877: S.L. MacGregor Mathers was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in Hengist Lodge No.195 in Bournemouth, England.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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