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Arthur Godfrey
Portrait by Travis Simpkins https://t.co/UjuDuBuUwV
#ArthurGodfrey #television #radio #broadcaster #broadcasting #entertainer #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic #history #TravisSimpkins #celebrity #art #portrait #sketch
M.W. Josiah H. Drummond
Portrait by Travis Simpkins https://t.co/UjuDuBuUwV
#JosiahDrummond #GrandLodgeOfMaine #MaineFreemasons #MaineFreemasonry #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic #ScottishRite #33rdDegree #SupremeCouncil #TravisSimpkins #art #portrait #sketch #GrandMaster
December 14, 1784: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was initiated an Entered Apprentice in the Lodge Zur Wohltätigkeit (Beneficence) in Vienna, Austria.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#Mozart #WolfgangAmadeusMozart #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic #MagicFlute #music
Paul Foster Case
Portrait by Travis Simpkins https://t.co/UjuDuBuUwV
#PaulFosterCase #BuildersOfTheAdytum #BOTA #Tarot #Occult #occultism #occultart #Qabalah #NewAge #Magick #CeremonialMagick #GoldenDawn #AlphaEtOmega #Freemasonry #Masonic #esoteric #mystic #TravisSimpkins #art
M.W. Quincy G. Gant
Past Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#QuincyGant #GrandMaster #PrinceHall #princehallmason #MWPHGLDC #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic #TravisSimpkins
Harry Houdini
Portrait by Travis Simpkins https://t.co/UjuDuBuUwV
#HarryHoudini #Houdini #Magic #Occult #occultist #occultism #occultart #escape #escapeartist #stage #theatre #TravisSimpkins #art #portrait #sketch #Spiritualism #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic
December 11, 1974: Stanley Fielding Maxwell was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#StanleyMaxwell #GrandMaster #GrandLodgeOfMassachusetts #MassachusettsFreemasons #MassachusettsFreemasonry #Freemasons
William Robert Woodman
Portrait by Travis Simpkins https://t.co/UjuDuBuUwV
#WilliamRobertWoodman #SRIA #Magus #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Rosicrucians #HermeticOrderOfTheGoldenDawn #Magick #Qabalah #CeremonialMagick #Tarot #TravisSimpkins #esoteric #Occult #art #sketch #portrait
December 6, 1886: Rudyard Kipling was raised a Master Mason in Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782, E.C. in Lahore, Pakistan.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#RudyardKipling #author #literature #poetry #IF #JungleBook #ManWhoWouldBeKing #Freemasons #Masonic
Congratulations to Joe Martinez on being installed as Worshipful Master of Manasseh Lodge No. 182 in Virgina.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#JoeMartinez #TheMasonicRoundtable #Esotericon #GrandLodgeOfVirginia #Freemasons #Masonic #esoteric #mystic #Occult
December 2, 1931: Stanley F. Maxwell was raised a Master Mason in Good Samaritan Lodge in Reading, Massachusetts.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#StanleyMaxwell #GrandMaster #GrandLodgeOfMassachusetts #MassachusettsFreemasons #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic
General Douglas MacArthur
Portrait by Travis Simpkins https://t.co/UjuDuBuUwV
#DouglasMacArthur #WorldWarII #WorldWar2 #WWII #WW2 #AmericanHistory #greatestgeneration #Military #pacifictheater #General #ArmedForces #Freemasons #Freemasonry #ScottishRite #TravisSimpkins
Irving Berlin
Portrait by Travis Simpkins https://t.co/UjuDuBuUwV
#IrvingBerlin #composer #songwriter #musician #soundtrack #GodBlessAmerica #greatamericansongbook #TravisSimpkins #art #portrait #sketch #Music #Freemasons #Freemasonry #GrandLodgeOfNewYork #NewYorkFreemasons
November 24, 1807: Sampson Simson was raised a Master Mason in Clinton Lodge No. 143 in New York.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#SampsonSimson #ScottishRiteNMJ #33rdDegree #SupremeCouncil #MasterMason #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic #GrandLodgeOfNewYork
Happy Birthday to Robert Johnson! Host of the WCY podcast and co-host of the Masonic Roundtable.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#RobertHJohnson #WhenceCameYou #WCY #wcypodcast #TheMasonicRoundtable #TMR #MidnightFreemasons #MasonicRoundtable #MasonicCon
Happy Birthday to Voltaire, born on this day in 1694.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#Voltaire #philosophy #philosopher #Enightenment #author #books #satire #FrenchEnlightenment #Occult #Freemasons #freemasonry #Masonic #TravisSimpkins #art #portrait #sketch
Happy Birthday to Christopher Hodapp, 33°
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#ChristopherHodapp #ChrisHodapp #FreemasonsForDummies #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic #author #blog #television #documentary #TravisSimpkins #books #MasonicBooks #portrait #sketch
Joseph Fort Newton
Portrait by Travis Simpkins https://t.co/UjuDuBuUwV
#JosephFortNewton #TheBuilders #Clergy #Minister #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic #MasonicBooks #author #TravisSimpkins #art #portrait #sketch #Philosophy
November 15, 1877: S.L. MacGregor Mathers was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in Hengist Lodge No.195 in Bournemouth, England.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#MacGregorMathers #Fellowcraft #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic #GoldenDawn #Occult #occultism