It's I want to Party with you! What are you doing tonight?

🎨 🍺🍺 😌😌 🍺🍺 🎨

Like this tweet, if you're looking forward to the weekend. ❤️ 👇

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Reinforcement mothered a somewhat awe-inspiring hallucination [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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What my Coffee says to me September 9 - You create your world with loving thoughts, words and actions!

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What my says to me September 9 - what you think, what you say and what you do are powerful tools for creating!

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Happy Friday, Everyone!
✏️ Mark Bagley
🖋 Scott Hanna
🎨 fun by Matthew Nickerson.

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One of my favourite spreads from the Although fully funded lets try and reach the stretch goal so we can print more stories and drawings. Search for the Shed Calendar on

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Special moments don't need to be fancy. They can be simple+sweet like a walk on the beach. What makes them special is the connection that you share with the other person. 💗

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September ✨🥰✨
I adore you
Colour palette 🎨
Hues of thankfulness and encouragement
Open mic 🎤
Open heart ♥️
Beautiful photography

thank you 🙏🏻

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Be patient. We all
bloom when the
time is right.

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Hello lovely people. I hope you're easing yourself into Friday.
I've called this piece 'Summer's End'. I'll pop him in a mount and then he'll be ready to find a new home.
Take care and be kind to yourself and others.💚

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