Ya soy oro en A ver si en algún futuro soy capaz de conseguir llegar a más de oro, pero momento estoy en mi hogar. GG Plata 1, HL Oro 4

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Star Draggie: Born from the stars, Star Draggie carry his star orb, an orb that holds the power of the galaxies. Star Draggie sleeps forever, holding his orb but he can still sense his surroundings

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A Lil' painting exercise to start learning how to render space textures and galaxies.

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This was a super general overview of galaxies. They are very complex objects and would love to cover some more detailed topics on this. Thanks for reading through another space thread and I hope this was enjoyable and informative.
I'll end this with more awesome photos.

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So for I drew my character from Her name is Vardo Geha and she's an entertainer (who later became a Jedi) from the Shadowfire. (1/5)

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Meet Kyo Alteria Limit
Shes a Starduster; a species that is able to produce and place stars in the galaxies. Her kind is closely regarded as a "bakeneko" to humans due to the fact that encounters with them end up deadly.
Desite this, Kyo will always try spread goodwhere she can

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Tweaked Dr. Zurdoc’s design a little bit.
Doctor Zurdoc VonDenn is the main antagonist in an upcoming graphic novel. The former lead weaponry expert of Clypto, Zurdoc was imprisoned in the Vault after his illegal weaponry trading ring sparked a war between seven galaxies.

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Galaxies can be categorized by their visual structure! 🌌

Around 77% of galaxies observed by man are Spiral galaxies. Second most popular are Elliptical, making up 10-15%.

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what can you do with spiral graph? Help scientist to recognize in arms of Help understand how galaxies evolve.
https://t.co/sPauwEoNIP via

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Want to help scientists understand galaxies far, far away? ✨ Participate in this project from home!

Museum researchers developed an easy way to accurately measure winding arms of spiral galaxies. Read the research & help: https://t.co/OrlxcPhkUa

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Slowly learning how to draw galaxies.. 🐦

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Being a Celestial Dragon, he helps create harmony with the galaxies. By literally manipulating them on occasion.

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Recently completed trades with , Kaiyotie, and Silent-Galaxies. So many cuties! 🎨

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"Stripped of words, untamed, the universe pours in on me from every direction. I become what I see. I am earth, I am air. I am all. My eyes are suns. My hair streams among the galaxies." - Steven Millhauser

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Another image in Procreate that makes use of the Real-ink cosmic brushes.
Birth of Galaxies.

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I know they always pick an Artist to paint our skies & cover our galaxies. I’m so grateful they picked you to be The Artist amongst the stars so you could paint our view forevermore.
🌌 So; Thank You ✨Qinni✨ for everything💫

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If you've ever wanted to discover your own black hole, now's your chance.* The LOFAR radio telescope is recruiting citizen scientists to help locate supermassive black holes in distant galaxies.
* Alas, the black hole will not technically belong to you.

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My daughter and I took a crack at some watercolor galaxies. She gave me purple hues and herself blue. colab.

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Besides some incredible concept art, TFT is set to head into new Galaxies. Exciting changes are right around the Milky Way.

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The secret to UGC 2885's success is that it lives in a relatively isolated region of space: It could grow slowly & undisturbed, with little competition from other galaxies. https://t.co/b1dSdV1vwa by

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