knightober - fairy knight

3 31

Day 10~

"Voip" la caballero hada.

Cuando el rey puso precio a los bosques, no les quedó mas remedio que ponerle precio al rey.

The Fairy Knight for the

10 25

"- did you see the wounds on those hunters? I tell ya, it was no fairy"
Fairy['s] knight with a mix of thorn

8 39

The Fairy Hunter finds himself cornered by a demon, his fairies didn't bring him luck this time...

1 16

A noble fish knight! Unless...

7: Fish Knight
or rather 3: Insect Knight

1 4

The Moon Knight and his mate, the Moon Wizard, exploring unknown lands under the light of the two moons.

5 22

Day 9 - Moon Knight.
"The Moon - one of this world's great higher beings, a sibling of The Sun. The silent figure may look ominous, but be not afraid - this merciful and honest creation always selflessly helps those in need."

7 45

ah back to it! :D
not sure if im going to draw the days i missed BUT

0 5

⚔️day 7 and 8: fish and cook ⚔️

8 31

Day 8 - Cook Knight.
"A very well-known chef from the nearby village. Their passion for cooking is burning so hot, one could cook a hundred of meals using it."

5 43

"Colaspo" el cocinero caballero.

Solamente tu eres quien para poner limites a tus sueños.

The Cook Knight for the

8 20