😬 Poem for 👉Creepy creep..

"Matt Gaetz" is a creepy man who likes girls to date

His FK buddy flipped…..which seals Matty’s 👉fate

GOP traitor—can’t—resist jail—bait

So he’s bitterly—spewing—misogynist—hate

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Matt Gaetz is a creepy-man who likes girls to date

His FK buddy flipped…..which seals Matty’s 👉fate

GOP traitor—can’t—resist jail—bait

So he’s bitterly—spewing—misogynist—hate

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The in a nutshell.
- Art by me; colors by ⁦

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My heart breaks each and every time I hear of gun violence and the GOP efforts to stop any effort to address the problem of guns.

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Today's 'toon: (Yeah, I'm a little pissed-off at the GOP.)

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GOP’s America: Where a rapist’s sperm has more rights than our little girls.

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1 fullbody nya 80k nder! ❤️ Payment setelah sketch disetujui, bisa via ov0 dan gop4y

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A fictional psychopath has higher standards than today's Republicans and GOP.

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GOP didn't have the cajones to stand up to Trump, but Americans did, and we can do it again in November.

This election it's time to BE THE HAMMER & put a nail in extremism.

Send a clear message to the GOP: If you don't protect our democracy, you're gone!


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is officially part of the MAGA GOP

Be angry. Don't lose faith or hope. Use your anger &

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