My graphic novel about menstruation is a banned book in some schools. Guns have more rights at those schools than my book.

Ban guns not books.

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The Right To Keep And Bear Arms DOES NOT Give CRIMINALS The Right To Take INNOCENT LIVES!!

Having Sensible Gun Laws IS NOT Infringing On The 2nd Amendment.

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We have got to protect the children. Common sense laws are a beginning, but there is much work still to be done. Enough is enough.

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From the wonderful Dustin Resch . As an educator, I have taken many classes through these horrible drills. They are terrifying and the kids are terrified. We need to do better for our children, we need

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"The AO is so HOT, that i use shorts to operate the shit out the mission"

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Bullet I took out of a 6 month old’s brain. you created my lane!

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EmpireWire cartoon (#NY21 CD): getting out the vote with assault weapons.

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"3D guns: Untraceable, undetectable and unstoppable?" [ ]
'Gunz & God (Socio-Politicking Series)' by Booda Brand, 2014

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I updated a favorite cartoon oldie on too many people carrying guns, waiting to shoot bad guys. Read more on my blog and see what changed:

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