Did you know that Flash the guinea pig ran the fastest 10 meters on July 27, 2009 in London? He was able to run the distance in 8.81 seconds! Who thinks their guinea pig runs fast? 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻💨

3 12

Welcome back Nono ❤️

5 43

Did you know that guinea pigs can hiccup too? They usually do so when they are scared or if they've had too much to eat. 😮😮😮

0 21

Burby wants to remind you that you should be shopping for necessities like food and medicine as infrequently as possible.

7 73

Goodnight to all the piggles in the world ~ 😴 stay warm under the covers and tell ur hooms that you love them. Sometimes they just need to be reminded. ❤

Personally, I will leave my mommy some gifts from my bum near her face. 💩 Show her I care! 🤗

7 52

Having these guys at home makes it a little easier 🐹💓 Stay safe everyone! 🙏

4 45

Did you know that guinea pigs love the shade? If they had a choice of light or dark, guinea pigs would prefer the dark! Since guinea pigs don't sweat like humans, they easily become overheated and develop a heat stroke. 🌙🌙🌙⁠

10 23

Welcome to Burby ❤️

9 83

Smol baby piggle Noctis and Daddy Regis for a bit floof in your timeline. Thank you for the cute hcs ♡

8 22

Very much enjoying working with pen and water colour at the moment, especially for these little guys 🖌🎨.

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