画質 高画質

Ok not really done yet but I need to sleep🥹I'll make a compilation when the back design is also ready🥰

5 38

I am alive but without sleep, just grinding on some things I need to finish 🫠

23 296

It's 4 o'clock in Japan now. I was asleep🙂

2 10

How is bro drawing so well every week does he not sleep

6 108

He loves to see her sleeping face. 🥰

29 140

🌸Spring is comfortable and makes me sleepy🌸

231 3540

全知Sleep ★★★★ かえりのでんしゃ寝

りょこうがえりの ワンシーンを パシャリ
「みなさん おつかれの ようすですし
もうすこしだけ ねかせて あげましょう♪」

227 1175

【ebara ponyタグ検証】
hypnosisにおけるタグ、half-closed eyes,sleepy eyes,jitome,one eye closed,なしで検証
sleepyjitomeは効いてる感じがないんでやるならLoRA対応、half-,one eyeは結構しっかり効くのでこれは使える

3 17

エイミSleep ★★★☆ おはなみ寝

おはなみ シーズンを まんきつちゅうの
とくいげんしょうそうさぶ ごいっこう
エイミさんが なかなか おきて くれないので あせる
ヒマリぶちょうと ノリノリの トキさんを パシャり

256 1412

トキSleep ★★★☆ かんみどころ寝

かんみどころで おやつタイムの トキさんたち
わふうな ないそうに ウッキウキな ひとも いるけど
みんな こたつで のんびり たのしんでそう

120 639

After sleeping like a baby. The Hero⚔️ wakes up and sees Lilillyiel⚗️ fresh out from the shower while still wearing her night gown

619 5517

After he Lilillyiel⚗️ clean the Shop. She offered you a lap pillow [elf style].You slowly then drift to sleep...

407 4086

goot progress today
now watch me it then go straight to sleep

0 26

霊幻 / モブ

Last night I dreamed of new standees and it was titled "wake up, sleepy head"
It was mini acrylic standees to put on your desk, they looked so cute, I wish they were real 😭

40 236