Commission of Tyr and his adopted Kyrian daughter, Anita! (Don't ask me about the lore bending, it's not my RP lol)

0 2

Giveaway piece for !

Thank you so much for giving me time to finish this piece!
Your girl is beyyyyooond gorgeous.

19 49

Two pieces for a lovely commissioner, 🥰

Warwick Reeves

And the siblings: In'ruslilarien Elarin'or and Iralia Elarin'or

2 15

Just a doodle of my druid belf dreaming

1 5

в любой непонятной ситуации...
знакомьтесь, Велентис Вивисектор (Velenthis Vivisector), мой рыцарь смерти)

0 17

I have a new boy, he is nameless yet, but I love him already 💜

В любой раздражающей ситуации радуй себя новым дх 💜

0 26