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belf design I did yesterday, not too sure what's missing so she's for 25€ !
DM or reply to claim 💃✨
@Nekrokat ooooooh thank you for the giveaway, Kat!! i'll leave Eleyath (my half belf/half black dragon destro warlock) here, who was actually my first wow character! 💚💚💚
@DELETABLEjpg i have all three 😈 my WoL Eleqara Dazkar (by @/KynaArts), my half belf/half black dragon warlock Eleyath (both forms by @/Palitania_Art), and my dracthyr Velythira (by @/FiolaraArts)
@Nidarosis She looks so prettyyy ❤️🔥
Nida only shows aging by getting more and more badass looking 💚
I have a belf girl nicknamed Cinder (Alinta Celiné Cinderbloom) and she also has this streak! And is named like she could be a relative of Nida which was not intentional
When she says "have a good stream, I'll be watching" (^//////^)
Smooch the belf @DandySpriestVT #teenyarchives #dandyart
blizzard will never give velves belf hair/eyes because nobody will get anything done. i will have to fight simps off with a stick. i'd be too powerful. the world would come to a halt if riley looked how she's Supposed To in Lore
Lysander's parents!! Nascent (also @/airanke's belf) and Kaisra!
They're a canon couple but Lysander is a spoof baby HASDFASF
I miss belf Magister RP uwu Anyone else?? Post your Sin'dorei Magisters if you want. I wanna' see them. Here's mine: Magistrix Asariel Ravenscar
art by: noirsnow, dekatomni, ftnx, and omoshiro-i
@Koipiroska i'm late but i love showing off my blood elf ladies!! Mortharys the shadow priest, Azellra the dh, Eleyath the half belf/half black dragon destro lock, and my hunter of noble birth Anoriel 💜💙❤️💛💚 (art by @/KynaArts, @/sammiegscribble, @/Palitania_Art, and @/Nekrokat)
@DreamWyrm alwaysnhappy to show off my girls. belf shadow priest Mortharys, my WoL Eleqara, my first ever OC Anoriel who existed before i played wow, and my half belf/half black dragon Eleyath who also existed before i played wow and she was half dragon even then
@InnoVatezz You can have a belf. Cause we only love belves in this house.
Every race in World of Warcraft has a mommy. These are just a few examples:
- Human = Katherine
- Nelf = Tyrande
- Orc = Drakka
- Darkspear Troll = Zen'tabra
- Dwarf = Moira
- Gnome = Kelsey
- Tauren = Magatha
- Forsaken = Calia
- Draenei = Ishanah
- Belf = Lady Liadrin
@GreenOvium Really had to think who had yellow eyes and not orange.
Have Atali the nightmare daughter, Amon'ra my dragoness, a LF belf design i did, and Raven my nelf druid.
@tevruden happy birthday!! hope you've been having a great day!! here's my half belf/half black dragon destro lock Eleyath, and my new dracthyr OC Velythira!!
As a belf player, I am very jealous of IGC Sindragosa's idle stances and slightly-less-stick-thin body type lol
Would very much love for my gal to look more like this and less O_O
@FuseCraftAD here's my dracthyr Velythira (who i might make a void-touched blue) and my dragon OC Eleyath who is a half belf/half black dragon destro lock, whose mother was/is an ancient high elf outcast who used her mastery of arcane and fel to cleanse her child of Deathwing's madness!