IT Guy & Art Girl goes on honeymoon💫

We literally ran into a marathon on our first day in Copenhagen.😂 Sometimes pleasant surprises happen when things didn’t go as planned!

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IT Guy & Art Girl goes on honeymoon💫

He was skeptical about me bringing a pillow that takes up 1/4 of my luggage. Next time he might bring his as well🤣

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IT Guy & Art Girl goes on honeymoon💫

We only planned going to 1-2 museums per day, there are just too many of them! Thankfully both of us love seeing the artsy stuff😭

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[#ITguyArtgirl Honeymoon series]

Our trip had a such a dramatic start... After knowing that credit card works almost everywhere, we never get any more cash in the rest of the trip😂

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I only have the concentration to finish lazy sketches right now, but here's a suitguy.

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Here comes the honeymoon series!💫

I love looking out of plane window. My thoughts always goes to Milky ever since we had him😂

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My dad is a stoic man who works hard to support the family. Whenever he’s free, he’d stay home and be bothered by us. I’ve thanked him on my wedding speech, and I’m doing it again in the comic. Thanks dad! ❤️

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is back!

3 weeks of heavy rain fostered a bunch of mini ecosystems. 🍄It takes a while to get use to the humidity back here!

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Home Alone [part 1]

Sometimes I feel we are the opposite of the norm. I’m not clingy 90% of the time...clingy husband is cute though😹

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I’m an only child and my mum put a lot of effort bringing me up. Now it’s our turn to take care of her! Both of us (and Milky) love my mum a lot❤️ Happy Mother’s Day!

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It’s hard not to get infected when you’re living together... I just hope Milky is fine! XD

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Now I’m binge-watching GoT as he waits for me to catch up till season 8 🥶

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IT husband is a considerate man so I’ll let him feel good about himself 😂

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Our kind of Easter egg hunt!🎁

We can’t wait to watch it...just a couple days more!

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I have what people call “a birdie’s stomach”, I eat little but many times a day. He’s always happy to finish my food😂

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Love hurts - 4 of 4

Revenge! >:)

P.S.If you read RSJ, there was an episode about a trip to Bali where I slipped and hurt my knee. It still annoys me sometimes especially when it's humid or when I walked a lot. 🙈

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[Lost Phone]
This is what happened yesterday. 😂 When life gives you lemons, make comics!

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