day 19: Brothers
The past few days have been difficult, I'll have commission stuff up tomorrow, guys.

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day 17: Madness
hell yeah twitter is letting me upload. Gonna post commission updates this evening! have this warmup

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dopo aver impostato il colore di mezzo
sono andato avanti impostando ombra e luce



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ho messo una base di colore per capire la direzione da prendere a livello di coloring



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Day 13 - Children

finding your fledglings snacking on rats in the woods is the vampire equivalent of finding your kids eating potato chips off of the floor

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day 13: children
Janos and Vorador watching doing some sky watching/warmup
Commission updates tomorrow!

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una volta fatto il disegno si procede impostando i toni, ovvero i chiari e scuri ma in modo piatto, delineando la terminazione dell'ombra



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Day 12 - Demon

"... Could Janos Audron truly have been as monstrous as depicted here?

Or was this merely artistic license by the Sarafan, who sought to lionize themselves by demonizing their darkest enemy?"

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Day 11 - Guardian

"In many ways, Azimuth is an analogy to Nero, who played a fiddle while Rome burned..."

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Raziel vide altre terribili creature nel Regno Materiale.
"ma che creature sono quelle?"
"dunque non li riconosci? quelli sono i figli di tuo fratello Dumah."

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... Le anime dei morti sono rimaste in trappola, senza che nessuna completasse il proprio ciclo purificante nella Ruota del Destino. Questo era il delicato equilibrio che teneva in vita Nosgoth.

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