// nudity ?
redesign of my juggalo fossa oc ^-^ he's rlly cool and his name is rosie
flags r mean lesbian, butch, and nonbinary!

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I'm not lesbian, (actually the opposite lol) but I am trans !! I'm Kurtis or Soup and I like to do traditional and digital art :D (last one is a wip :,)

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She’s paving the way for her fellow fire emblem lesbian, Heather, to join feh

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hi I'm an adhdtisic agender lesbian, I recolor manga panels ! fllw me I am p cool

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Transphobes can stay mad! Trans women are beautiful. As an intersex lesbian, I stans my beautiful trans gals 😍. Trans women are fucking immaculate 💙.
Fuck em~ Bridget is waving the pink, white, and blue, and they can cry about it, all they want. 💙🤍💗🌸

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I have a few in my book series Mortal Angel.
Mickey, the main protagonist is Bi.
Ryan, a central character from book 2 is a Bi Trans Boy.
Eoin, an antagonist in numerous books is Bi and in a poly triad.

The books also have gay, lesbian, ace and pan characters. Link below 👇

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If you don't think Yang is a lesbian, fine. If you really want to ship her with men, that's your choice. Just please keep that stuff away from me. I really do think she's a lesbian and it bothers me to see her shipped with male characters

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I also want to make a competition of who is the most lesbian, so say characters!
the only requirement is that they GIVE YOU GAY VIBES OR BE CANON (it can be mostly music games!!)

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Pan, trans lesbian, trans lesbian, and lesbian.

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Alex is nb, anna's a lesbian, wendy is ace, stray is trans, and more but I'm lazy

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hi, i'm maple! i'm a transfem lesbian, and i draw, make music and work in an old clunky rpg making engine!

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shenhe is a polyam lesbian demigirl who is dating yelan, a lesbian, and ei, who is an asexual lesbian! (headcanon) (requested)

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I haven't drawn her in a couple years but this is my sassy lesbian, Nym 👀 https://t.co/Y35KNDbN48

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my name's trench, im an agender lesbian, and i am (very sadly) hyperfixated on genshin. but i also like to draw kitties hehe!

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One of my fursonas is cis male with just no sexual orientation at all
Also, you can be aroace and still be gay, bi, pan, lesbian, etc
Here is my cis boyo

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my hbic network producer lesbian, esme ✨

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ive decided that rooney/raum is a he/they nonbinary lesbian, pass it on

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I hand Cannon Isabella to be a lesbian, so naturally I had to give her a girlfriend. Mia is a oc I made when Encanto came to Disney +. Although she definitely needs to be updated, I still love her design. ^w^
(The second pic is recently though)

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Seiya Kou is a lesbian, the rest are ambiguous. Usagi Is Bisexual both in manga she shows to be attracted to Rei and on the anime made it clear she finds Haruka attractive

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