I really geeked out at the Krayt Dragon appearing in The Mandalorian.
16x20 - Acrylic
$60 -Sold


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The Child & The Jedi

Still not over Ahsoka & Grogu’s interaction in The Mandalorian. Need to do a Clone Wars rewatch immediately. Here is a piece I’ve been working away at inspired by this bond! Prints on my Etsy shop now!

Link in my bio

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Nintendoland, The Undoing and MORE Mandalorian. Producer Michael joins.

You listen to the podcast. If you hate this blame only yourself.

3 13

Así imagino yo a en un futuro lejano convertido en Mandaloriano como su mentor Djin Jarin
Ilustración de mjhiblenart (Instagram).

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a mandalorian. his name is az )))

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Solo puedo decir que estoy devastado por el capítulo, pero a la vez contento del rumbo a donde está tomando la serie. Impresionante, revelador, y al mismo tiempo MUY movido.

Crudo a su manera, el final de temporada PROMETE. 🌟🌟🌟

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Offizielles Lebenszeichen zur auf Kostümprobe für Ewan McGregor - ausgerechnet am Set von - https://t.co/OC1O3W1kdZ

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Here’s my sketch for “The Siege”, Chapter 12 of The Mandalorian.

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Moff Gideon from The Mandalorian. I also did some pencil studies before make him on Photoshop.

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Grogu is Din Djarin’s son

& Grogu will be a Force Sensitive Lightsaber wielding Mandalorian.

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Menudo capitulo el de Simplemente maravilloso y sigo en shock tras haberlo visto.

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Okey so this is my getting love from my brand new babies Elijah & Florian.
Hope we did him good ,thanks for all that beautiful art of yours 🥺

(I'm not good at horny talk lol & yes, pun intended)

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’s Rahab Mandalorian. Have to give thanks to ’s for the reference!

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The Almondalorian.
This time, it's Almond's turn to wear the armor.
That's a lot o' beskar alloy...

4 25

INCREDIBLE HULK Hulk wakes up in a perfect world of food, women, power, and respect. The only problem is that it isn’t real. It’s a fantasy created for him by the rainbow riding Glorian.

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Frog Lady from The Mandalorian. I might be obsessed and need to know more about her.
Pencil, ink and Copic markers.

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Prowling Mandalorian.

Commission by

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🌌 The mandalorian. 🌌#TheMandalorianseason2

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A look at 's concept art for chapter 11 of The Mandalorian. From the episode guide on the official Star Wars website.

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