Liang Drumdrop here is an Ox-Style Sage and she is in her 50s-60s. She lost her mother at a young age in the same field of work and has spent her life helping to defend pandaria.

She's held collapsing buildings up and has gone toe to toe with mantid, mogu, and yaungol.

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so heres a character that im usin for a dnd game at... SOME POINT but i really like the character i made. there a shifter thats based on a mantis mantidfly i have a good idea for the alt form but this was another victim of the sai fuckery but i still have the first image ref

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You guys wanna meet my twins? Meet Fragaria and Yoshino, my twin orchid mantids. These gals are blessed and I just keep forgetting to draw them dammit-

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Mantids! ❤️

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Moth and Mantidfly

(they're siblings, and wasp mimics)

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I HAVE NO GOOD REFS her design is rough and up to interpretation anyway - but this is Fennel, the deer/wolf/tarantula beastie. She’s got little mantid forearms, too, usually tucked up against her chest. Inspired but how amazing little tarantula toes are ✨🐾

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4つの鎌を持つカマキリ サンタンマンティス
学名:Santanmantis(Santana Formation[発見地]+mantis[カマキリ])

3 14

Did I do the tit jacket thing right? Also dorito boy Adrian isn’t small Khan is just gigantic

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Vamos falar de Lily, personagem da HQ Makai Mail, de Jayson Santos.

Lily é uma súcubo e última de sua espécie. Ela será ofertada como moeda de troca para firmar uma aliança entre dois reinos. Como foi mantida presa a vida toda, desconhece o mundo de Makai.

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Olá pessoal, eu sou lulu e faço artes e algumas tirinhas, tenho me mantide bem ative aqui. Ajuda um artiste

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ah. I feel ya. I'm a super big fan on certain bugs. Mantids especially ^^. By skulldog here.

Needs more bug love <3

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Alethiah "Rook" Bloodspear is very loyal to the Sin'dorei and the horde. While respected in the field, out of combat she uses humour and the discomfort of others to hide how the years of war have worn her down. She has a strange fascination with the Mantids. (Art by @/taenthl)

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New sketch for today. Duelling mantids from a 1763 original sketch from (I think) Domenico Angelo

5 29

I’m working on shanes clothes and body types ahahh,p.s I don’t wanna draw a dick :))),but have this street fighting himbo femboy,and him in different outfits,I’m not doing any of his demons marks on this part

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another glorified doodle for - very vaguely inspired by flower mantids but mostly just an insect derg :v

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Por último, a , a maravilhosa pegadora de npcs, será Malika, uma tiefling em busca de liberdade. Ela se juntou a um grupo de piratas depois que fugiu da casa onde foi mantida como prisioneira pelos próprios pais.

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i love mantids so. mantis furry

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Estou a 3 dias mantido cativo entre tentativas de desenho de observação de canetões, preciso do seu like pra me libertar desse tormento...

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I have a few; A mantid, a Vrykul and a Sethrak 👀💜

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