Next month comes the finale of Emerald and Crystal! Ending the Saga of Mars' champion of Steel.

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What about Kudelia? She fought for Mars' independence, so she deserves to play with the tiny planet with her toes.

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64. bristleback. awwwww he looks like mars' best buddy!!! thumbs up

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Tonight's night sky, feat. the Moon (I couldn't find pics with Moon next to them; please excuse Mercury & Mars' photobombing and my poor cropping skills T_T) 🌙✨ 💚⚡️ 💜🖤💀

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The red bird pendant given to Rei by her cousin prior to the events of episode 183 could be a reference to Sailor Mars' 'Fire Soul Bird' attack from R.

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I'm ever-honoured when a reader takes the time to write me about 'Dogs of Mars' and say they have a 'crush' on x or y character.

Usually Ben, for some reason.

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Favorites? Aight (Last one I collabed with )
Waddup I'm Morgan - one time I fell asleep to Bruno Mars' Doo-Wops & Hooligans on a flight as it looped four or five times and I woke up knowing the lyrics to every song

I tag

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Mars Curiosity rover took the 1st colour images of Mars' blue evening light on the rover’s 956th Martian day (sol ) - April 15 2015. Scientific explanation

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It's the Day of Ares / Mars' Day /

The "Ludovisi Ares" made from pentelic marble, a Roman copy of a Greek original from ca. 320 BCE. Some restorations were made in Cararra marble by Gianlorenzo Bernini, 1622.

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Now things get *really* interesting—Catherine Johnson () et al. have measured magnetic field at the landing site, finding that it's *ten times* stronger than predicted, consistent with an ancient dynamo as strong as Earth's field today!!


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Mars' friend that came with him to check out the big city! His name is Ambrose and while he's not big like Mars, he's quite agile.


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Hey there Today brings us a WIP of Mars' Valentine Holiday portrait. Never seen both her eyes at once, have you? You have to wonder about the story behind that scar....

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Her dark eyes faded to Mars' ashen red, hair grew brittle as autumn leaves blown far from home. Frantic thoughts boiled in Mother's stare, but a queen must remain her hushed mask no matter how dire her child's state.

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[1] vivi & bibi (01/07)
[2] oc and mars' oc eating ice cream (02/07)
[3] bibi sketch (07/07)
[4] coffee with opal (26/07)

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sticks with its sword & planet theme with Burroughs less well known Venus series. The Amtor (aka Venus) books are less well known than the Barsoom (aka Mars) books, but the Carson Napier tales are packed with adventure and romance (but without Mars' naked women).

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Clouds over Gale Crater, the last address of 's Is there oxygen on atmosphere? Yes, says the laboratory, but its presence fluctuates between 1 and 30% and scientists are trying to understand why. Plot twist: Methane behaves similarly on the Red Planet

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dude! dont ask sensitive questions like that I DONT KNOW!!!! the network wont get back to me on my idea 'Total Drama Moonbase to Mars'

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even as a kid, i always really liked how fucking intense mars' fingers looked here...also animated by hasegawa

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this henshin was animated by shinya hasegawa by the way... i like mars' reaching Claw before she hits that last pose

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