When I first started painting I was kind of precise about things, trying to get perfect edges & smooth paint. Then one day it dawned on me: the paintings I admired most all had a messy element, whether that was splatters, drips, texture or obvious strokes.

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| 15 'Motivation / Goals': Motivation – the 'why'. Why do I make art? Because I always found images better than words for expressing something. As for goals, I have set myself a big scary one this year, more to follow on that... 😉

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March meet the maker day 15: motivation/goals. I love this quote, I'm not always able to spend a lot of time on the things I want to achieve. This quote reminds me that every little thing counts.

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Today's is Motivation/Goals. A goal that I've been sharing quite a bit here and on my YouTube channel is to improve my portfolio to get more commissions. I didn't feel like my portfolio was reflecting the kind of work I wanted, so I'm … https://t.co/YdoK34I1f0

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A bit of a to a great day in my life, and a little bit of I base a lot of my on things that happen in my life, like this of day!

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DAY 14 of
'How I learnt'
I've never stopped learning and I don't intend to. The wonderful thing is with the development of the Internet it has never been easier to find ways to learn absolutely anything! That comes with pros and cons o… https://t.co/UwGsCB2UD4

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March Meet the Maker Day 13 Photography - since I only use snapshots from my phone for social media posts of my art - which is NOT. Portfolio quality, not sure what they want, so here is this mornings art ...

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March Meet the Maker Day 12 Hands at Work not sure if they meant this, but here it is, and the works that made the mess

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I’m combining day 9 and 10 of together, which are behind the name and you 🤗

There’s not much story behind why I chose Mayblossoming haha 😂

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Today's is themed - "YOU". I qualified in ceramics 20yrs ago and only took the leap of faith 3yrs ago and made it my career. I LOVE working with clay so much that it doesn't feel like a job. How lucky am I😁

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day 9 ‘story behind my name’ I felt I needed to separate my Alphabet work from my other work. In 2017 the Yeti was born 😊

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Meet Claudia! (clow-dee-ah) The newest edition to the Puffer Fleet. She has been paid her fare and she’s off! Today’s is about product lines. Claudia is part of a new set of prints that will be for sale soon in my online shop.

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Today’s prompt for is full time or part time? I’ve already mentioned this but I’m doing all this part time! I have bills to pay and mouths to feed (puppy, kitty and fish mouths 😝) so I have a part time job in addition to running th… https://t.co/rbqE9FnPMZ

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Oh I'm behind!
Day 1: favorite to make - I love making jokes with my drawings. Especially when they get people to build on them or add ideas to them. I love laughing together through something silly I drew.

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Today’s prompt for day 5 is or in Joanne Hawker’s This is a detail of my second floral painting that I am working on and hope to finish today. I love to focus on small sections as it’s another way to enjoy th… https://t.co/7tejVrxJdY

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Today’s prompt is: Detail or close up. I have been amazed at how much detail you can get when working with laser etched wood. These brooches are cherry wood with different acrylics and I love them so much! 💕

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Day 5 of : detail or close up. Here's a closeup of one of my microglia hoops!

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