# leatherface texaschainsawmassacre horrorart horrormovies fanart darkart gortober gore illustration copic markerart illustrator inkdrawing ink japanese spiritual tatoo painter artistontwitter artmoots manga mindfulness ukraine natureconservation 牧場物語 storyofseasons harvestmoonbacktonature harvestmoonmorefriendsofmineraltown harvestmoonfriendsofmineraltown harvestmoonfanart storyofseasonsfanart animeartstyle chibistyle リグルナイトバグ ミスティアローレライ 東方 touhou touhoufanart touhouartwork touhoudrawing wrigglenightbug mystialorelei rymanarts artsed artseducation inspireart creativeartwork studentwork artskills inspirationalart prismacolorart coloredpencilportrait selfportr cats catsofinstagram catportrait catportraits coloredpencil commission polychromos catcoloredpencils catcol caturday blackcat cemeteryart tombstone cemeterycat kitty orangeandblack originalart halloweenart takingbackorange king nanatsunotaizai mitsuru darlinginthefranxx chibi pencilart penciltraditional sevendeadlysins traditionalart 七つの大罪 ダーリンインザフランキス harlequin nnt sds キング ハーレクイン coloredpencildrawing pencilartwork creativenight coloredpencilartists denver friday denverart wood art assemblagesculpture junkpunk painting map メンフクロウ barnowl owl 色鉛筆画 油性色鉛筆 プリズマカラー カリスマカラー prismacolor karismacolor 鳥イラスト 鳥の絵 birdillustration birdart colouredpencil colouredpencilart 色鉛筆 ファンタジーアート fantasyart coloradoart woodsculpture denverartgallery lakewoodbelmar artindenver 303art contemporaryart firstfridaydenver firstfriday wildwest cowboy artshow coloredpencilsocietyofamerica artsupplies artists_community

The Moth and the Firefly

[Touhou] Mystia Lorelei & Wriggle Nightbug

[東方] ミスティアローレライとリグルナイトバグ

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Ink and colored pencil on ecru paper
4½”x7” (paper size) matted and framed to 9”x12”

Open today 12-5pm at HIVE artspace in York, PA.

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Ink and colored pencil on ecru paper
4½”x7” (paper size) matted and framed to 9”x12”

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Steven Morrell has joined our gallery and Michelle Lamb and Claudia Roulier have an exceptional exhibition "REIMAGININGS" in our main gallery. We're open for Creative Night until 9:30 pm tonight.

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Tonight, we have a wonderful summer exhibition of artworks in our gallery.
REIMAGININGS by Claudia Roulier and Michelle Lamb is now open in our main gallery.


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"Mystic Grace"
Colored Pencil on Paper

「色鉛筆画19人展 2022」2022.6.8~6.14(終了) 出展作


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"Little ELLE (VII)"
Colored Pencil on Paper

「色鉛筆画19人展 2022」2022.6.8~6.14(終了) 出展作

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"Little ELLE (VI)"
Colored Pencil on Paper

「色鉛筆画19人展 2022」2022.6.8~6.14(終了) 出展作

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Artists Dorothy DePaulo and Leo Franco are now showing in our Southern Resident Gallery on our guest wall.

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Join us tonight for First Friday. Dorothy DePaulo's "Desert Treasures" - Leo Franco's wood sculptures - Cody Kuehl's "FREEFALL"

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