Dia 27
Quatro Enormossauro Omniverse
Atacante da Seleção Brasileira de 2010

Feito pelo ADM

11 44

Dia 3
Quatro Enormossauro
Atacante da Seleção Brasileira

Feito pelo ADM

9 47

Un sorriso veste il viso
E una voce arriva
Scolpendo l'emozione
E mi sento come un'isola
Radicata al largo
Mossa dal vento
Che porta odori assenti
Maturati al sole
Laggiù, in fondo
Dove muore il sole
Che disegna colori antichi
Sul cielo che accoglie il giorno


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questi sono i risultati della cultura fascista machista promossa dagli stati fascisti di oggi!
un proliferare di violenza gang botte odio ignoranza!
la Salvinite oramai dilaga ovunque!
- Salvini. Il Capo della Curva Nord! nerosunero -

0 1

Salutations terriens !
Ce soir un petit tour illustré vite fait dans l'espace !

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Ok going to TRY and be better at posting art as I get it done. Starting an art thread (and hopefully I will remember to keep posting to this thread in the future).
This will be a mix of commissions, personal art and gifts/trades.

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X1 de Bennio extra:

Enormossauro Vs. Quatro-Braços (Bichin vai apanhar dnv, coitado)

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Enormossauro de Tyrantrum (esse Pokémon aqui)

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Smh, it can't be worse than the time Marvel had a child killed by Palestinian terrorists or having, in the same comic, an Israeli superhero who's literally a member in Mossad while having a character called Arabian Knight being both misogynist and anti-semitic toward her https://t.co/rCdsCorf20

8 36

Enormossauro e Eco-Eco supremos haywire; Armatu e Ameaça Aquática Haywire

6 27

Moss Dragon - A wee Irish lass relaxes with her mossy friend on a cool ledge in a warm sunlit forest. 🐉🌞

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2- Friagem
3- Cromático https://t.co/hRBfEOQgJG

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Goleiro: Glutão

Zagueiros: Friagem e XLR8

Meio campo: Fantasmático, Ameaça aquatica e Cromático

Lateral: Podrão e Chama

Atacante: Albedo e Quatronormossauro https://t.co/4rY2KJ5jRb

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😌 Nornas, Circe, Salomé : Gustave Adof

7 16

With terrific writing and wonderful illustrations is book of today reviewed on the blog ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ https://t.co/9xueMEr7mg

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