will my Ork name Nips fit the bill ?

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Drew an Ork on stream, details like the Gob and the SquigMullet chosen by the viewers! Probably gonna do another stream after dinner to demo some colorwork!

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is it that emulate Imperial ways of war in lore?

Just refreshing my memory as has chosen them for her Crusade Force

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My sweet character from TRPG. Her name is Erica

I'm learning hard how to draw people >:3

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;3; THANK YOU SO MUCH HEI CHAN FOR BIDDING ON MY ARTW ORK AGAIN! THIS REALLY MADE ME DAY!!! Like a lot! Another step closer to being able to comfortably afford an uwu and also have extra on the side v.v 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 won't tag again just in case spam !

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Due to a genetic defect she won't grow in size just by krumping gitz so... another method was improsived, many.... MANY squigs were sacrificed

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Hey, here's another DnD OC. The Prizefighter.

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Mech boyz are used to seeing purple orks, but could you imagine a purple snotling?

Of course you can't imagine it, it's the sneakers of colours for a reason.

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wip of an outfit comm
I'm moving a tad slow on this one because my wrists are bein stinky but it's super fun tow ork on every time I pick it up!!

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wen helen get hired by a ork mekboy and does i good job XD

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The flowers are an orkish ghillie-suit.

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Innerlich toter Ork, hat nach 10 1/2 Stunden Dauersterben endlich den Path of Pain geschafft.
Danke an alle, die sich dass tatsächlich angetan haben!
Riesendank an und für den Doppelraid und den Hypetrain.
Ich bin so dermaßen durch. Enjoy the shitpost

4 16

Whatever you guys & gals are doing tonight, have fun.

I'm taking my little girl to bed shortly & reading her a story. Then I'm sitting down and painting the Ork Kommandos. I'll raise a glass or 2, or 3 to you all.

Happy New Year.

Stay safe & I'll see some more of you in 2022

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