This Hogwarts illustration is beautiful! Check more art by rakshas_aura on Instagram:

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P. S.: Любое совпадение с Эндрю Гарфилдом почти случайно😶

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Where is your favourite winter place? probably mine in Hogsmeade😁❄️

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Want to have your fan art shared on our site? Shoot us an email at!

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Мой Фред Уизли из первой книги про Гарри Поттера✨
Один из любимейших персонажей наравне с Мародёрами.
А кто ваш любимчик?))

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Look at this spectacular fan art of the Hogwarts by Judah Talion (IG:! Which of the founders' stories is most intriguing to you?

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Anyone else's hair looks like Hermione's after working over a steaming cauldron (or stove)? 🙋
Our friend Mariel ( captured Hermione's messy 'do perfectly!

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Just posted a look at the month of December in Harry Potter history, which involves a lot more than just celebrating Christmas in the Great Hall!

by Beastlyworlds

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How cute is this modern Tonks? Do you think Tonks would fare better with Muggle technology because her dad was Muggle-born?
Check out more of artist Karie Thompson's work here:

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"Oh, he knows how to play, little bitty baby Potter." - Bellatrix Lestrange, "Order of the Phoenix"
A big thanks to Syeda Tasfia Haque (IG: for the submission! Do you prefer movie Bellatrix or book Bellatrix?

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Check out this amazing drawing of the one and only Luna Lovegood submitted by potter.obsessed_ (IG: What's your favorite Luna-ism? Tell us below!

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Are you a fan of the "Cursed Child" play? This gorgeous art came to us courtesy of our friend Kee (IG: What do you think of the additions to our beloved storyline that "Cursed Child" brought about?

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four reduction linocuts of local wildlife here in the Brecon Beacons, South Wales.

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Gosh, fan art is amazing. We'd all like to see ourselves in Harry's world, but our friend Desy ( has actually done it! Where do you see yourself spending the most time if you could transport yourself into the books?

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Check out this absolutely amazing rendering of Hedwig by DeviantArt artist RubisFirenos (! Would you bring an owl to school if you had the option, or would you choose one of the other animals?

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Check out this amazing of Lily and Sirius braiding each other's hair! Gorgeous art by DeviantArt artist byLau ( What other activities do you think Lily and the Mauraders would get up to in their spare time?

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We're here for the SASS! 😍 Check out this Pansy Parkinson illustration by chewingshrapnel on Instagram:

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“If you’re wondering what the smell is, Mother, a Mudblood just walked in." - Malfoy, "Half-Blood Prince"
We love this Draco Malfoy drawing by mehulgargart! Check out more of their art on Instagram:

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