Just posted a look at the month of December in Harry Potter history, which involves a lot more than just celebrating Christmas in the Great Hall!

by Beastlyworlds

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My two latest Harry Potter Lexicon Minute podcasts discuss magic and dueling in OP36. Give them a listen!

by Bethany Minervino

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Happy Birthday Dobby!

Hope you get a lot of socks. Mismatched ones.
"Socks are Dobby's favorite...But sir, they has made a mistake in the shop, Harry Potter, they is giving you two the same!" (GF23)

by MaryquiZe

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OTD 1993 Ron tries to call Harry on the telephone. It doesn't go well.
"...he'd received a telephone call from a fellow wizard one week into the school vacation" (PA1)

by Rachel McAlister

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OTD 1991: A Very Strange Day at the Zoo

Harry tags along on Dudley's birthday outing to the zoo and accidentally releases a boa constrictor.
"Harry was talking to it, weren't you, Harry?" (PS2)


by Scribblerian

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Happy Birthday, Dudley Dursley!
Born June 23, 1980

"Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon. And don't you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect on Duddy's birthday." (PS2)

by Laura Freeman

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Another lovely image of Snape and Lily

"Best Friends"

by Margaux Kindhauser

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One of my favorite Snape images ...

"An Unusual Friendship"

by Margaux Kindhauser

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Dragon flight across Britain

"His hands were numb with cold but he did not dare attempt to shift his grip...He was cold and numb, not to mention desperately hungry and thirsty." (DH26)

by Ottowl

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OTD 1998

The Trio escapes from the Gringotts vault riding on the dragon who blasts its way out.

"By sheer force, the dragon clawed and fought its way through. Harry’s eyes were shut tight against the heat and dust..." (DH26)

by Ottowl

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"Ariana Dumbledore"

The old man’s eyes traveled to the painting of the girl over the mantelpiece... “Mr. Dumbledore” said Hermione rather timidly. ”Is that your sister? Ariana?" (DH28)

by Abigail Larson

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New theme is up. It's significantly more cheerful!

"Happy Hour by the Lake" by Marta T.

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"Kreacher's Tale"

“Kreacher needed water, he crawled to the island’s edge and he drank from the black lake . . . and hands, dead hands, came out of the water and dragged Kreacher under the surface . . . “(DH10)

by Olivia Pelaez

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"... like somebody's maiden aunt: squat, with short, curly, mouse-brown hair...a pallid, toadlike face and a pair of prominent, pouchy eyes." (OP11)

by Loleia

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The theme for this past week was "twins" in honor of the birthday of Fred and George on April 1st. Now I have to think up a theme for next week ...

by Ottowl

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"Well - it's just that you seem to be laboring under the delusion that I am going to - what is the phrase? - come quietly. I am afraid I am not going to come quietly at all, Cornelius." (OP27)

by Christopher Ables

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Happy Birthday, Fred and George Weasley!

They were born on April Fools Day, naturally, in 1978.

by Clef-en-Or

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"My Granny and I"

"...a formidable-looking old witch wearing a long green dress, a moth-eaten fox fur and a pointed hat decorated with what was unmistakably a stuffed vulture..." (OP23)

by Arboriss

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I'm settling down with my coffee and all of Harry Potter canon in front of me. Last week's theme was "Escape." Now to choose a theme for this coming week ... hmmm.

by Marta T.

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