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Auch so können vegane Produkte aussehen: Mit zarten Farben und feinen Illustrationen ist das Packaging versehen, das die Warschauer Designagentur Podpunkt für Bobowina entwickelte >>> https://t.co/DQgrYXg1Xg <<< #Illustration #PackagingDesign
Letter. Create your own optical illusion brand.
#opticalillusion #illusion #abstraction #graphicdesign #opticalillusions #Letter #brand #branddesign #packaging #packagingdesign #labeldesign #opticalillusiondesign #identity #branding #brandingdesign
WIP update: and the rat and his kitty are almost done, but you’ll have to wait a little more to see the full illustration... #illustration #packagingdesign @artists_helping @ApoyaAlArtista @artists_helping @ConoceArtistas
Only 48hrs until Early Bird closes! Enter 2021 Pentawards competition by Friday at 23.59 GMT to save €100: https://t.co/ailnC3B7Ey
#pentawards2021 #awards #packagingdesign #earlybird
Celebrating #ValentinesDay with a ‘love potion’ beer concept 🍺❤️
What do you think?
#packagingdesign #illustrator #beer #love #designbywomxn #drinkspackaging #BeMyValentine #HappyValentinesDay #ladieswhodesign
One week left of Early Bird! Enter 2021 Pentawards competition by Friday 19th to save €100: https://t.co/4aE58azX3x
#pentawards2021 #awards #packaging #packagingdesign #earlybird
V-day pizza box concept 🍕💗
Illustrated type for Valentine’s!
#illustration #ValentinesDay #packagingdesign #femaleillustrator #freelance #pizza
🍊 Nou estampat 🍊
Jo pense que quedaria molt boniquet a l'embalatge d'una botella de suc de taronja, ben fresquet i divertit.
Espere que vos agrade molt, i vos òmpliga d'oloreta de taronger.
#pattern #patterndesign #packagingdesign #packagingillustration
One week to go! Download the 2021 User Guide to help you prepare your entries and show our highly esteemed jury why your work should win. Available in 6 languages: https://t.co/8Bsct8md0p
#Pentawards2021 #packagingdesign
Mantra @SomosMantra - Ligera de India Branding
#condiments #dressings #agency #art #design #creative #designer #brand #packaging #packagingdesign #package #wbds #worldbranddesign
#TBT to our first label design for Saggy Stone, California Steam, in 2016! #MUTI #illustration #packagingdesign #drawing
Puigdemont Roca @PuigdemontRoca - Glass Canned wines
#wine #agency #art #design #creative #designer #brand #packaging #packagingdesign #package #worldbranddesign #wbds
Nova il·lustració pattern inspirada en La Font Roja d'Alcoi.
#patterndesing #Packaging #ilustracionaplicadaproducto #ilustraciondeproducto #packagingdesign #ilustracionaplicada #diseñopackaging
Maria Vishnyakova - WaterLine: a fish brand
#fish #frozenfish #student #art #design #creative #designer #brand #packaging #packagingdesign #package #worldbranddesign #wbds