Excited to see a packaging job I did last year go live this week. Here are some snippets, it’s going to be so exciting to see them on their products - chocolate bars no less, which are delicious! I’ll post with full details next weeks

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I love the way botanical illustration can be so diverse and lend itself to so many different clients. This was a commission for a cosmetic brand

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Brilliant packaging illustration work by for the rum brand Bunkum. See more of Simon's excellent work at https://t.co/k5P0Tmzy6s 🥃

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Hello this one cropped up so I thought I’d post it!

Juicy strawberries from the award winning packaging project for Skyr Yogurt. Collaboration with for


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Three Sheets to the Wind | Packaging Illustrations for Amandalia

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Pretty in Pink | Packaging Illustrations for Amandalia

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works on an indulgent, multi-faceted project for Munich jewellery house Hemmerle.
See more: https://t.co/KGficrGS8N

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My third food illustration in my new series of packaging work. Scratchboard with digital color. 5 x 7." 🍅

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🍊 Nou estampat 🍊
Jo pense que quedaria molt boniquet a l'embalatge d'una botella de suc de taronja, ben fresquet i divertit.
Espere que vos agrade molt, i vos òmpliga d'oloreta de taronger.


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Charlotte Knox's colorful illustration of Coral & Croissant Trout - perfect for any cookbook, product label or packaging. https://t.co/v58e6rXaIp

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Excited to see that the new line of Greek yogurt is out. That means I get to share the illos I made for the packs with you! A bit different from my usual style, and so much fun! Packs designed by 🙌🏻✨

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