Bon week-end, mes amis!

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Always think of them as Hercule Poirot :0}

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Hercule Poirot(エルキュール・ポワロ) ー こむろ まり
さん(番組制作会社勤務/ファッションデザイナー) 仙台の学習塾clue zemiさんが主に塾生のために発信している、働くことの楽しさ発見コラムです。

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30天挑戰 Day25-George(Agatha Christie's Poirot)/Robbie(Atonement)💙

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전좌석 마감 되었습니다!
카페날 만나요!
See you next illusion:)

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1월8일 부산에서 개최되는 명탐정코난 추이카페 Cafe Poirot 입니다!
알티해주신분들 중 1분을 추첨해 '범인3'님이 협력해주신 머그컵을 보내드립니다😊💕💕
많은 관심부탁드립니다😘

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Hercule 'Inca Tern' Poirot Torquay. :0} 5

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A little Poirot for & - He is working the little grey cells.

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A little late but still having fun! Let's try Poirot instead? :)

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my latest piece, Belgian detective Hercule Poirot! hopefully he can find me some new followers

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Watched an episode of Hercule Poirot show. I cracked up when the names appeared there x3
Sir Charles=Policy

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