Oh, and here's a I drew about this last year.

Transcript (and some more links on the subject): https://t.co/YVYlyTJ9St

57 167

Here's an old with the last panel modified a tiny bit to reflect today's news.

24 48

Día 25: Policarpo avendaño
Me dio una idea muy buena pero ya esta punto de terminar el mes y me llego esas idea, voy dibujar a los personajes de 31 minutos use ropa de spooky.

13 11

Día 24: pareja favorita (offical o no)
Me van a re insultar pero... Tulio x tulio es mas mejor que tudoque, juanín x tulio, Policarpo x tulio y tulio x cindy

2 14

Waving the Magic Congress Wand

This one's big, so I've split it into three images for Twitter.

Transcript: https://t.co/iomZjJ2HLG

Help me keep making cartoons by retweeting! And/or support at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2!

More cartoon tweets! https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

18 57

Cartoon: The Great GOP Anti-Voting Cycle

Transcript: https://t.co/hDL5iRwR3n

If you like this help me make more by retweeting, or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

Lots more cartoons on Twitter! https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

233 499

James Lindsay, the self-identified liberal who just tweeted that he's voting for Trump, was literally the visual model in my mind when I drew this weeks ago.

Transcript of cartoon: https://t.co/scx9ezBTbB

6 23

Meet My Liberal Beliefs! I'm So Liberal!

Transcript: https://t.co/scx9ezBTbB

Read many many more tweets! https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

Support these cartoons by retweeting! Or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

32 94

Why Aren't You Wearing a Mask?

Support these cartoons by retweeting! Or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2!

Transcript: https://t.co/E9J4WVcmKt

Lots more of my cartoons on Twitter: https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

69 124

Street Harassment

CW: Misogyny, street harassment

Transcript: https://t.co/7gKsGutMBE

Please support these cartoons with retweets, or at https://t.co/An0fGdnfeC

Read more cartoons! https://t.co/qHPAVzkYpl

18 43

Why Would Anyone Think The GOP Wants To Suppress The Vote?
Transcript of https://t.co/hEItsgClaz

Support my cartoons by retweeting, or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2!

Read a bunch more cartoons on Twitter! https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

106 180

Ten Reasons We Won't Abolish I.C.E.

Transcript: https://t.co/aqpHnmgfD5

Support these cartoons by retweeting or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

Read a whole bunch of my cartoons without leaving Twitter! https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

10 16

Transgenderism Is Coming! Run Away!

A by me and .

Transcript: https://t.co/7ndmS1SAjQ

Support these cartoons by retweeting, or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

Read a bunch more cartoons without leaving Twitter! https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

103 243


Transcript: https://t.co/Q3afRWEANE

Support these cartoons by retweeting, or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

And click here to read many many more of my cartoons! https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L https://t.co/u1a6R3jaKC

6 16

By an amazing coincidence, the thing Democrats must do to win happens to be one of Jonathan Chait's pet issues!

Transcript of https://t.co/GdBg9KR1jg https://t.co/fuqwRrUbUD

4 26