Les diré a mis hijos que esto lo escribió Policarpa Salavarrieta https://t.co/dXlkkMxChb

437 6464

Mujeres en los billetes colombianos:

-Mujer Indígena de la comunidad Emberá.
-Débora Arango, pintora y acuarelista.
-Virginia Gutiérrez, antropóloga.
-Policarpa Salavarrieta, heroína de la Independencia.

205 897

A by and I.

Transcript: https://t.co/7m5U0kDXHR

If you like these policartoons, you can support making more at https://t.co/An0fGdnN4a.

Lots more cartoons making fun of transphobes here: https://t.co/LhuOqGfZLe

27 56

Epifanio Garay (January 9, 1849 - Villeta, October 8, 1903) was a Colombiano painter-portrait-of-policarpa-salavarrieta known as la pola album.22.

0 4

Selective Heartlessness, aka, On Employers Who "Can't Afford" Paying A Living Wage

Transcript of https://t.co/Ob4X4HZ3aQ

If you like these cartoons, you can help us make more at https://t.co/An0fGdnN4a. And you can read lots more at https://t.co/qHPAVzlweT .

33 95

Somewhere South Of The Border Inside MAGA Brains

Transcript of https://t.co/kkcmLhougZ

If you like these cartoons, you can help us make more at https://t.co/An0fGdnN4a. And you can read lots more at https://t.co/qHPAVzlweT .

22 87

June Davis Finally Wins, Which Is Not Allowed

A by and I.

Transcript and commentary: https://t.co/m5bBz83dtl

183 577

Which is why MRAs are so wrong. Their movement is hopelessly wrapped up in anti-feminism; for the most part, MRAs are more dedicated to hating feminism than they are to helping men.

/end of rant

transcript: https://t.co/nuYNKqrSfa

15 64

"Scientific" Racism

Transcript of https://t.co/zI58iBuHgd

More cartoons here! https://t.co/qHPAVzlweT

If you like these cartoons, help me make more at https://t.co/An0fGdnN4a.

21 64

The Free Speech Absolutist

Transcript of https://t.co/JFchGGD6Jx

Cartoons! Read more here: https://t.co/qHPAVzlweT
Cartoons! Support 'em here: https://t.co/An0fGdnN4a

55 132

We're Not Allowed To Say The Word "Woman" Anymore!

A by and I.

Transcript: https://t.co/0i8TWp8DDo

Read cartoons: https://t.co/qHPAVzlweT
Support cartoons: https://t.co/An0fGdnN4a

48 169

How Hard Could Getting Voter ID Be?

Transcript of https://t.co/hOFKg5w33U

If you like these cartoons, support them by sharing them! Or support more directly at https://t.co/An0fGdnN4a.

Lots more cartoons to read: https://t.co/qHPAVzlweT

19 54

Scroll to the bottom of my post about this and there's like 600 words that's mostly direct quotes from famous conservatives saying the same things the conservative in our comic says.

Strawman my ass.

https://t.co/bhtwrdGPdW https://t.co/b3PsV3gWK0

3 37

A Brief Taxonomy of Pro-Lifers

Transcript of https://t.co/cT5Tq9qos6

Help us make more cartoons at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2. :-)

Read lots more cartoons here! https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

36 90

The most important argument for why abortion must be legal, I think, is that it's simply immoral to force people to become involuntarily life support systems.

transcript: https://t.co/s5HCirrupg

4 37


Transcript of https://t.co/KNSVQYyLpD

If you like these cartoons, help us make more at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2!

Lots more cartoons: https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

34 155