What do you think Dougal meant when he told Claire that Colum might "give more than the rest combined" for the Stuart cause in the end?

0 10

How do you think you'd react if someone like Murtaugh (or Jamie, or Mrs. Fitz) suddenly popped up in this time? What would you say to them?

1 42

What did you think of Dougal's theatrics - showing Jamie's scarred back all around the Highlands to raise money for the Stuart cause?

2 15

Would you rather be a lawyer, or have adventures in the Highlands? Or do it Ned Gowan's way????

2 10

Do you think things have changed much since the 1700s as far as the calculation to marry for position and money?

0 2

How do you reconcile the Dougal who saves Claire from rape one minute, forcibly kisses her the next, comforts Geordie as he's dying, then plots to return Claire to Black Jack at Ft. William?

0 3

Does it seem like Dougal and Colum had a tacit agreement with Jamie for him not to attend the oath taking?

1 6

Who do you think Gellis meant when she said Colum would be better off looking inside the castle for a witch?

0 6

Do you think Dougal may have started or at least fed the rumor that Jamie was Hamish's father? Draw suspicion away from himself?

0 13

Wonder why the tanner's lad wasn't being fed/looked after by the church (aka Christian Charity) rather than pursecuted by Father Bain?

1 4

Does it seem like public punishment was as much entertainment as supposed deterrent?

1 12

Ever wondered if you would have the fortitude to stand up against the crowd (authoritarian regime)? What would you be willing to risk?

0 5

Anyone else think Auld Alec should be put in charge of matchmaking? The man kens a thing or two about good matches!

0 7

In Leoghaire's defense, what else could she think about Jamie's offer to take her beating for her?

0 7

What do you think Colum had promised Jamie if he would take the oath of loyalty at the Gathering?

2 13

Why do you suppose Dougal wanted to let Jamie take Leoghaire's beating for her.

1 8

Do you think the "Justice" dispensed by a Clan Leader like Colum, who knows everyone involved, is more or less fair than by a judge who knows none of the parties personally.

0 15

Do you think you'd do well in the 18th Century? What skill do you think (of yours) would make you most valuable to someone like Colum?

0 17

Do you think BJR came to Lallybroch because he remembered Jenny from her ride to Ft. William during Roger's time in the past?

0 35

At what point in the journey do you think reality of time travel would've set in for you?

1 8