It's National Reconciliation Week. Read our blog about reconciliation and the 1967 referendum. Discover some of State Library's resources that document the walk towards both reconciliation and the recognition of native title.

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Our mate John on the cover of the New Yorker following the referendum result in 2016...

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NYer cover regarding the referendum result.

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in 2006 Montenegro holds a referendum proposing independence from Serbia.

With 55% of vote, Montenerans vote for independence.

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I made this infographic to show how the EU candidates tweeted about Marriage Equality Referendum 2015 and Abortion Referendum 2018. High-res:

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Martin Rowson on Corbyn and a second Brexit referendum - political cartoon gallery in London

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In typical exhaustive fashion, this article by on and the referendum fiasco is both clear and explanatory (as foreign articles so often are). HT , illo thx to . Read and weep. Read and resist.

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1006 days after the EU referendum, MPs will today finally vote on how they think Brexit should happen. We were due to leave in 58 hours...

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Martyn Turner: My vote is for the UK to have European Parliament elections, a referendum and a general election on the same day. no democratic deficit there. on Theresa May's bid for more time - political cartoon gallery in London

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En plus d’un million de personnes ont signé une pétition pour que les soient mieux protégés. Cette pétition a remporté un tel succès qu’il est possible qu’un soit organisé pour voter de nouvelles Lois ! >>

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Astonishingly bald admission by Warsi (at last) of Tory government's utter irresponsibility, favouring careerism over statesmanship in the run-up to the Such cynicism. HT . Old (2016) cartoon here only to illustrate.

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AL-GO(RE)-RI(HY)THMS OF LIFE-AnInconvenientTruth/ConvenientLie?[III] TITLE references ‘rhythms of life’+#algorithms govern lives globally: election& results etc+ Al Gore turns

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AL-GO(RE)-RI(HY)THMS OF LIFE-AnInconvenientTruth/ConvenientLie? [III] TITLE references ‘rhythms of life’& govern lives globally: Election Results, Merchandise Options Al Gore=exVicePresident USA:

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Welcome to the political intrigues of 2019. Cartoon was published in the Star Newspaper

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偷偷催票:距離投票開始只剩下不到 36 小時;無論身在何處,請盡最大的努力去投票吧。願包容戰勝偏見、讓我們一同打造平權的最後一哩路!
for in 🌈

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So glad that my cynicism from the morning after the referendum was completely unwarranted and that we're in such a good place now...

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