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Brexit, a trojan horse to hide the tory mismanagement and theft of over £2 trillion since 2010 only makes up 1.25% of the money lost
#Austerity £1T #Brexit £25B #Cov19 £400B #Debt £500B
#UK #ToryFascists #BackBoris #EU #BrexitLies #DenazifyUkraine #UN #abolishNATO #BrexitChaos
Seamus Jennings on #BrexitChaos #ToryLeadershipContest #RishiSunak #LizTruss - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
El #humor más #literario de la semana:
Personajes de Julio Verne en viñetas de @Pachi_Idigoras @elmundoes #BrexitChaos y @A_idigoras @DiarioSUR, más Caperucita en una tira de @JLJLMartin en @LaVanguardia
Dave Brown's @Independent cartoon... #BorisJohnson #ToryPartyConference #ConservativePartyConference #Manchester #BrexitChaos #BrexitReality #BorisTheLiar - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Tomorrow's @Independent cartoon... #BorisJohnson #ToryPartyConference #ConservativePartyConference #Manchester #BrexitChaos #BrexitReality #BorisTheLiar
It's looking like we're in for a small, sad, grey #Christmas2020 while the neighbours have all the presents and the fun. #EU #BrexitChaos
We're heading into the unknown... #BrexitChaos https://t.co/U6IrlTjZn1
Brian Adcock on #Parliament #HouseofCommons #NoConfidenceVote #BorisJohnson #BrexitChaos #Humbug #DominicCummings #toxic #NoDealBrexit #Brexit political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Bob Moran on #RemainAlliance #JoSwinson #BrexitChaos #Prorogation #SupremeCourtJudgement #Proroguing #ParliamentShutDown #NoDealBrexit #ToryMPs #GeneralElection #politics #Brexit #NoDealBrexit #NoDealBrexit - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Brian Adcock: It seems a vote of no confidence in our inglorious leader is mostly definately on the cards #FinalSay #Parliament #HouseofCommons #BorisJohnson #BrexitChaos #toxic #toilet #NoDealBrexit #Brexit political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings: sweet surrender? #Parliament #HouseofCommons #BorisJohnson #BrexitChaos #toxic #toilet #NoDealBrexit #Brexit political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Brighty: What do you think of it so far? #Parliament #HouseofCommons #BorisJohnson #BrexitChaos #toxic #toilet #NoDealBrexit #Brexit political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Bob Moran on #Parliament #HouseofCommons #BorisJohnson #JeremyCorbyn #BrexitChaos #toxic #toilet #NoDealBrexit #Brexit - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Andy Davey: day two of the Supreme Court hearings. Will Justice be dragged asunder by this constitutional crisis? #BorisJohnson #GinaMiller #JohnMajor #BrexitChaos #Boris #prorogue #Proroguing #cartoon #stopboris - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Morten Morland on Brexit and Boris Johnson's claim of 'huge progress'
#BorisJohnson #hulk
#peoplesvote #BrexitChaos #brexitshambles #finalsay #PeoplesVote #BorisJohnsonLies #Prorogation #NoDealBrexit #Brexit - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Brian Adcock:The only thing strong about Boris is his ego. #BorisJohnson #hulk #peoplesvote #BrexitChaos #beherenow #brexitshambles #finalsay #PeoplesVote #Prorogation #ParliamentShutDown #NoDealBrexit #Brexit - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Christian Adams's @EveningStandard cartoon @standardnews #Prorogation #cartoon #illustration #sketch #Brexit #BorisJohnson #BorisJohnson #GeneralElection2019 #BrexitChaos #brexit #stopthecoup #BrexitChaos - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Graeme Keyes on #BorisJohnson #Brexit #Ireland #GeneralElection2019 #BrexitChaos #brexit #stopthecoup #BrexitChaos - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6